George came into the world on a joyous happy morning. His mother and I were ecstatic over his arrival. He had much support because of the love given to him by his many siblings. George was a happy child with high religious beliefs. The family supported him in everything . He excelled in sports and school. We were very happy. I spent most of my time doting on the boy investing time as coaches in football, baseball and wrestling. He had enormous talent in athletics and he was projected to have a great future in whatever he attempted. The family never forced him to do anything against his will. When he grew tired of one extracurricular activity we allowed him to quit and focus on his new passion. I am not a sports fanatic but only allowed my participation in this area because of my love for my son. Everything was going well.
George entered junior high school and things began to change. His grades and his attitude toward everyone in the family took a dizzying downward spiral. He began to steal from us and several institutions in the city. He stole from neighbors and family. My wife and I knew nothing about the drug culture or the symptoms to look for in its evolution. He was charged with misdemeanors and more serious crimes while still below the age of eighteen. The police became a familiar fixture at our home. I tried to influence George in a positive way by emphasizing religion and Christian ethics. Nothing seemed to help his attitude. We had to warn people entering our home to secure their belongings because anything was likely to disappear when George was around.
George overdosed one night. He was in a coma and his chances for survival seemed imperiled. His mother and I cried for days. The lord gave him another chance at life and he recovered sufficiently to go into a treatment center for almost a month. He returned to school only to be expelled within weeks of the event.
He was put into an alternative school several times. He relapsed continually and was in and out of court and juvenile detention. We put George into a rehab facility for several months. He graduated from high school while attending this program. We always gave him the benefit of doubt concerning his youth and inexperience and inability to control his path in life because of his situation We thought that he would grow out of drug abuse and criminal activity.
His mother and I continued to grieve over George. I had a tape by a favorite vocalist with Danny Boy on one side. I wore this tape out by playing this song over and over again. I would drive and listen to the tape and cry. George had periods when I thought that his path would change. I took him to Promise Keepers meetings. I had begun to practise abstinance years ago. I neither smoked, drank alcohol, did drugs or gambled in an effort to form an example for my young charge. I became concerned over his welfare after he had told me he had felt a demon enter his body just before a physical collapse. I anointed the house with the oil of God. I studied efforts by others on ways to rid family members of demons. George had told me that he had seen demons outside the house and had witnessed them peering into his window while laying on his bed.
George brought a young lady home. She became pregnant and we lost a grandchild because of his drug involvement. We thought that George had made a course correction on his path of life after this event. He came involved with drugs again. The best job that he could find was labor working at a car wash. He found a new love, got pregnant and later married. His wife came from a good family and was grounded in the Lord. The baby came into this world on another glorious morning. Everyone was happy. We prayed for George and his sobriety and his efforts to support his new family. George has gone into rehab twice in the last year. His wife left him last week. Efforts to contact him have failed. I never listen to my only rendition of Danny Boy any longer. My wife and I stare at each other in total desolation and disillusionment. We know that our son has but a few choices left and none of them are good. We worry about his suicide and drug related death. We do not have any options left. We cry and anguish over this situation constantly with little hope for the future. Our anguish also relates to his children and wife and his inability to form relationships without the drugs taking a toll on himself and those around him.
Is there any hope for the future$%: At this moment in the wee hours of the morning I do not believe that there is any room for hope. Depression over this situation has taken a heavy toll on my wife and myself. We can only hope that stronger measures will be used to control the influx of drugs into our culture and the ruination of our children