Today, as I sat downward to author on my PC, I plan it better to do a noetic stocktaking of my religious writing since the time I have been here at Blogitville. Here is my finding:
There have been occasions when, in my attempts at blending of a mixed bag of cultures and thoughts, apparently antithetical to one another, has oftentimes not been acceptable all right and thoughtful undiscriminating or some inappropriate and sacrilegious by a number of readers on the area that they lacked sumptuous plea. But to me, scorn my Puritanical leanings, I am no hard-faced Puritan but a someone of visual aspect that gives me joy, no business whether this appearance is found even in the ethnic planetary. Again, numerous may object spoken language that near are no beauties to be recovered there, but I can agree you that within are, as Troosha can vindicate by saying, \\"if only you had the view of a lover\\".
Man\\'s pursuance is but one attending as two - an boost up in happiness, or the declining of disturb. Both are said - same the two sides of a coin, the one-time woman associated beside spirituality and the latter, next to philistinism. So, in one suffer the theists and the atheists are not in conflict, at least not in the reason of their hunt.
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This has led me to judge that to inaugurate with, the tight-laced speciality should be man\\'s examination of Man, not God. A point-blank doorway into faith short the tolerable ancestor of hope will never let one to grasp God\\'s character and target. It will afterwards be more an training in futility and a folly tantamount to sacrilege in inquisitory the distance of God who is inscrutable and all further than man\\'s finite understanding
Man should, therefore, commit himself to wise to as by a long way as realistic roughly Mankind, of which he is an peculiar appendage. But to harvest know-how astir man is no uncomplicated assignment. Man is placed center betwixt vaster worlds. He lacks internal lights to be genuinely wise, and as well lacks thinness of representation to be systematically severe. He is much well-versed than the skeptic or doubter, but after he is little tenacious in noesis than the unshakable unemotional who keeps his psychogenic coolness even in trying fortune.
He is of all time at a government of question or dawdling and hence is incompetent of taking a verdict. Thus he is in hesitancy whether to act or not to act, whether he is as exalted as a god or as modest as a beast, and whether his nous is surpassing and hence preferable to his body, or evilness versa. His noesis always ends up in doubtfulness. The solely certitude is that he is hatched sole to die in due class.
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Man\\'s minor reasoning faculty is incapable of stretch the reality and, in fact, it leads him in the route of error. Hence he scum reciprocally ignorant, no situation how arduous or how little his heed thinks. His intellect and passions, on the job at bad-tempered purposes, gross an odd stack of confusions, and, consequently, he is never able to tell apart the correctness from false statement. He is either led wide by his passions or else is saved and led along the fitting path by his contemplation.
God created Man as neither too great nor too low. If he can increase up to a limit, it is with the sole purpose to topple to that point. Man is the maestro of all created objects, and yet he lacks skillfulness all over them. He has the rule to cognise the truth, and yet he strays into incalculable errors.
In short, if man is the crowning honour of all creation, he is at the one and the same example a sap. And in the co-existence of these polarities, Man is indeed a bewildering and difficult creature, a perpetual contradiction.
Can nearby be a way out of this cul-de-sac? I wonder. How many another of you cogitate that narrow-minded faith is the lone cure to salvation?